Your comments


Sometimes this function has delay and slow response. Please try to click follow and wait 10 seconds.

I am sorry for inconvenience caused by the issue. For sure it is a software bug, but as it wasn't discovered during automation and manual testing, I am trying to find an alternative scenarios and conditions when it could reproduce. If You will allow me, I can contact You personally to get more details. It will help solving a bug.

Thank you.

Do you use app on three iOS devices? 

Thank you.


I cannot reproduce it on my device. Can you please compare mobile feed Top News with website version Top News? If its the same then its ok.

Thank you.


I can see you are using previous version of SA app. Please try to download a newest version of app from Apple Store - we seem to fix this bug in it.

Thank you.


I can see you do not have an account with this email. Please write me your account email on and I will try to help you.


please download latest fix version 4.16.9 - we fixed this bug in it.

Thank you.


please download latest fix version 4.16.9 - we fixed this bug in it.

Thank you.


Yes, please download it from Google Play.

Thank you.